Sunday, October 10

Best Europa stamp 2021


The 2021 Best Europa stamp has been announced by PostEurop in this press release.

Poland is the winner of the 2021 Best Europa stamp contest organized by PostEurop. Åland finished second and Ukraine (2nd stamp) is third.

  2. ALAND

As written earlier on this blog, PostEurop changed the rules for this contest. 3 voting panels (public, jury and  operators) are selecting the best Europa stamp. The results of these three panels are compiled and gives an overall winner.

Poland wins the overall contest in a deserved way by finishing in the top 3 of the three voting panels :

Public voting :

1. Turkey
2. Armenia
3. Poland 

Jury voting :

1. Germany
2. Poland
= Norway

Postal operators voting :

1. Poland
2. Åland
3. Hungary

Consolidated result of all three panels - top 10 :

1. Poland
2. Åland
3. Ukraine
4. Armenia
= Hungary
= Norway
7. Germany
= Netherlands
= Spain
= Turkey