Friday, May 11

Turkey 2012


Date of Issue: 9th May 2012

two stamps (2x 2.- TRY)

1 comment:

  1. I am from Turkey, I live in the Netherlands

    I can offer Turkish, Turkish Cyprus and Netherlands Europe cept

    I need

    all other countries esspeccially after 2000 but older ones are also ok

    I also like Nordic(Norden), SEPAC, NATO, KSZE, EFTA, UPAEP, ASEAN, Scouting stamps, all MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATURK STAMPS (except from Turkey). If you send me this kind of stamps please send me 2x if you send me 2007 europe cept please send me 3x.

    I collect world wide all kind (except CTO) stamps, blocks, sheets, FDC s, etc. I also collect coins, banknotes and phonecards

    kind regards

    Tolga Caglayankaya

    my address:

    Tolga Caglayankaya

    Robert Stolzhof 61,

    NL-1628 XA Hoorn,

    The Netherlands

    my email:
