Thursday, December 1

Europa stamps 2016


Europa 2016  
"Ecology in Europe - Think Green"

common design issue
celebrating Europa stamps 60th anniversary - 1956-2016

09.05.2016 Åland - 2 stamps (2x Europa value) 
09.07.2016 Albania - 1 stamp (200.- ALL) 
20.05.2016 Andorra (French post) - 1 stamp (1.- €)
22.04.2016 Andorra (Spanish post) - 1 stamp (1.15 €) 
01.12.2016 Armenia - 2 stamps (2x 350.- AMD) 
14.05.2016 Austria - 1 stamp (0.80 €) 
25.01.2016 Azerbaijan -2 stamps (0.20, 0.60 & 1.- AZN)
09.05.2016 Azores - 1 stamp (0.75 €) & 1 souvenir-sheet (2x 0.75 €)

05.04.2016 Belarus - 2 stamps  (H & P value) 
13.06.2016 Belgium - 1 stamp (Europe value = 1.10 €) 
09.05.2016 Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2 stamps (2x 2.50)
05.04.2016 Bosnia and Herzegovina (Croat post) - 1 stamp (3.- BAM)
25.04.2016 Bosnia and Herzegovina (Serbian post) - 2 stamps  (2x 1.50 BAM)
26.04.2016 Bulgaria - 2 stamps (1.- & 2.- BGN) & 1 souvenir-sheet (1.- & 2.- BGN)

09.05.2016 Croatia - 2 stamps  (4.60 & 7.60 HRK) 
09.05.2016 Cyprus - 2 stamps (0.34 & 0.64 €) 
12.05.2016 Cyprus (Turkish post) - 2 stamps (2x 2.80 TRY) 
04.05.2016 Czech rep. - 1 stamp (27.- CZK) 

31.03.2016 Denmark - 1 souvenir-sheet of 2 stamps (2x 25.- DKK) 

09.05.2016 Estonia - 2 stamps  (2x 1.40 €) 

09.05.2016 Faroe Is. - 2 stamps (9.- & 17.- DKK) 
06.05.2016 Finland - 1 stamp (1st class value)
09.05.2016 France - 1 stamp (1.- €) 

03.11.2016 Georgia - 1 stamp (2.90 GEL) 
02.05.2016 Germany - 1 stamp (0.70 €) 
30.03.2016 Gibraltar - 2 stamps (2x 1.50 GBP) 
11.05.2016 Greece - 2 stamps (0.90 & 3.40 €)
06.05.2016 Guernsey - 1 stamp (0.64 GBP) 

06.05.2016 Hungary - 1 souvenir-sheet (4x 305.- HUF) 

28.04.2016 Iceland - 2 stamps (50g to Europe & 50g outside Europe values) 
12.05.2016 Ireland - 2 stamps (0.70 & 1.05 €) 
07.10.2016 Isle of Man - 1 stamp (0.77 GBP) out of a set of four stamps 
09.05.2016 Italy - 2 stamps (0.95 & 1.- €) 

03.05.2016 Jersey - 2 stamps (0.74 & 1.29 GBP) out of a set of four stamps 

21.10.2016 Kazakhstan - 2 stamps (C value & 300.- KZT) 
09.05.2016 Kosovo - 2 stamps (1.- & 2.-10 €) & 1 souvenir-sheet (2.- €)

09.05.2016 Latvia - 1 stamp (2x 0.78 €) 
07.03.2016 Liechtenstein  - 2 stamps (2x 1.50 CHF) 
07.05.2016 Lithuania - 2 stamps  (2x 0.71 €) 
10.05.2016 Luxembourg - 2 stamps (0.70 & 0.95 €) 

10.05.2016 Macedonia - 2 stamps (50.- & 100.- MKD) & 1 souvenir-sheet (144.- MKD) 
09.05.2016 Madeira - 1 stamp (0.75 €) & 1 souvenir-sheet (2x 0.75 €)
09.05.2016 Malta - 2 stamps (0.59 & 2.19 €) 
05.04.2016 Moldova - 2 stamps (5.75 & 9.50 MDL) 
09.05.2016 Monaco - 1 stamp (1.- €) 
09.05.2016 Montenegro - 1 stamp (0.95 €) & 1 souvenir-sheet (0.95 €) 

20.05.2016 Nagorno Karabakh (Armenian post) - 2 stamps (2x 350.- AMD)
25.04.2016 the Netherlands - 2 stamps (2x 1.25 €) 
09.05.2016 Norway - 2 stamps (14.- & 18.- NOK) 

09.05.2016 Poland - 1 stamp (5.- PLN) 
09.05.2016 Portugal - 1 stamp (0.75 €) & 1 souvenir-sheet (2x 0.75 €) 

04.05.2016 Romania - 2 stamps (5.- & 12.- RON)

10.03.2016 San Marino - 1 stamp (1.- €) 
05.05.2016 Serbia - 2 stamps (69.- & 100.- RSD) 
05.05.2016 Slovakia - 1 stamp (0.90 €) 
27.05.2016 Slovenia - 2 stamps (0.64 & 0.97 €) 
22.04.2016 Spain - 1 stamp (Tarifa A) 
14.01.2016 Sweden  - 1 stamp (14.- SEK) 
12.05.2016 Switzerland - 2 stamps (2x 1.- CHF) 

15.04.2016 Ukraine - 1 stamp (N value) 

10.05.2016 Vatican - 1 stamp (0.95 €) 

no issue this year from Great-Britain
no issue this year from Greenland
no issue this year from Russia
no issue this year from Turkey


  1. Interesting blog I have a lot of information found in them, thanks!

  2. Netherlands: In the latest update of the 2016 stamp program the Europa issue will become a sheet of 10 different stamps.
    Note that this can be a typo. (Which I hope...)

  3. @stewie1911 - Yes I also hope it's a typo mistake !!! ;o)

  4. Typo indeed! The issue will be a set of 2 different stamps in a sheet of 10 (5 sets)

  5. What's the matter with the UK Post? This year, again, they won't participate?

  6. @David - as you may know, the Brits don't like others to tell them what to do ;o) That's why they don't really like the idea of having to follow themes or common designs chosen by others ;o)


    Moldova issue 05.04.2016

    1. Are you from Moldova? I need the stamps.

  8. Retrouvez les europa et la philatélie sur mon blog


  10. I see no Europa Stamps from Turkey. But it released at 09/05/2016.

  11. Concerning Turkey - I won't publish the Turkish stamps issued in my May on the theme "Think green" on my blog as I don't consider them as "Europa stamps" !

    Turkey this year don't use the official Europa logo nor the word Europa which don't make their issue a Europa stamp issue.

  12. Hi everyone,

    I'm Portuguese collector. I have interests in Europa CEPT in general.
    I would like to issue a challenge to all those who share this interest.
    My challenge is to send letters with Europe CEPT stamps of our countries and a good cancellation (postmark).
    To do this, simply interested send a email with your mail address and of course, commit to sending.

    Let's do it?
    I await yours news!

