Date of Issue: 28th September 2011
one stamp (0.75 €)
this stamp is issued in a mini-sheet of 10 stamps

NOTE - those stamps don't bear the new official Europa stamps logo but the Turkish post of Cyprus isn't a PostEurop member !
2011: an exceptional EUROPA vintage ...
This year, we can say that the EUROPA Stamp is opening a new chapter in its history.
It is true it displays a new logo. But we all know a new facelift was not enough to bring the Europa stamp to the height it deserves. Some fundamental changes were needed. The new logo is not the only novelty this year. Indeed, the year 2011 will be a special year in many respects. The theme chosen for 2011 is “Forests”, to coincide with the International Year of the Forests declared by the United Nations. We hope this collaboration will materialise in a formal and symbolic way with the issuing of a United Nations stamp displaying our new Europa logo, which would make it a first of its kind.
Over the coming years, we will strive towards increasing the Europa Stamp’s popularity, enhancing its European dimension and making easier exchanges between stamp lovers and collectors. This openness is not a coincidence, but rather a will to bring the Europa stamp towards a broader dimension. To do this, we will work on expanding the communication around the promotion of Europa stamps and in particular around the Europa Stamp Competition.
Furthermore, we are also going to review the election process by giving it a real artistic and philatelic dimension. The online voting procedure will be kept but the 10 most voted stamps will be submitted to a jury of professionals from the philatelic and the graphic world. This jury of European experts will meet in Brussels in September to elect the most beautiful Europa stamp 2011. We will ensure a media coverage equal to the event and to the work of each philatelic department. The winner will be announced at the Grand Place of Brussels, the most beautiful town square in the world, during a special ceremony in the presence of distinguished guests. No doubt this vintage will be particularly good...