Date of Issue: 10th February 2009
two stamps (0.39 & 0.43 GBP) out of a set of four stamps (only those two stamps are bearing the official Europa logo).

Both stamps are issued in mini-sheets of 10 stamps

"Gibraltar is issuing Europa stamps non stop since 1979
They never used the CEPT nor the Europa logo as they are not member of PostEurop
Their Europa stamps are considered by the collectors as full part of the collection
They don't follow the recommendation of PostEurop of issuing only one or two stamps each year as their sets are always of 4 stamps those last years."
"Germany is one of the 6 first countries who issued the first Europa stamps in 1956. They issued each year Europa stamps since that year!
In 1957 and 1958 stamps, for the occupied by the allies region "Saarland" have been issued with a denomination in French Francs.
East Germany never issued Europa stamps
Twice German artists designed the Europa stamps common them, in 1959 Walter Brudi and in 1966 Gregor and Josef Bender."
"Georgia issued their first Europa stamps in 1998. Same year as neighbour Azerbaijan and one year after neighbour Armenia."
"France is one of the 6 first countries who issued the first Europa stamps in 1956. They issued each year Europa stamps since that year!
Four French artits designed the common Europa stamps. Daniel Gonzague, for the first ever Europa stamp issue in 1956; Georges Bétemps in 1964, for the 5 years of the CEPT; Jacky Larrivière, 1984, for the 25 years of the CEPT and Jean-Paul Cousin in 2000 in order to celebrate de new millenium."
"Finland as many other countries issued their first Europa stamp in 1960.
Then their issues where irregulate: 1963, 1965, 1969 and then non-stop since 1971.
In 1972, the Finnish artist Paavo Huovinen represented an Aurora borealis as common design."
"They have their own stamps since 1975 and their first Europa stamps since 1979."