My Italian friend Massimiliano who is also an Europa stamps collector and has his
own blog in italian, gave me the following
issue rates of 2008 Europa stamps
Macedonia - souvenir-sheet : 10.000 ex
Kosovo - souvenir-sheet : 20.000 ex
Bulgaria - booklet : 12.500 ex
What to think about it ? For me it's a real scandal ! That's taking the stamp collectors for idiots ! 10'000 copies for an Europa stamp issue is of course by far less than the total number of Europa stamps collectors !
I really don't understand why PostEurop isn't able to deal with it ? They are owner of the Europa logo and Macedonia and Bulgaria are even PostEurop members.
Each year it's getting worse. More and more issues of higher facial values and/or of lower issuing numbers !
Of course as long as collectors are ready to pay such high amounts to get those stamps, those postal authorities will keep doing like that ... money makes the World go round...