Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts

Monday, December 29

Georgia 2013


Date of Issue: 22nd December 2014 [!]

two stamps (2x 1.50 GEL) and one souvenir-sheet of 2 stamps (2x 2.- GEL)

those stamps are issued in mini-sheets of 10 stamps

Thursday, May 9

Georgia 2012


Date of Issue: 23rd April 2013 [!]

one stamp (3.- GEL)

this stamp is issued in a mini-sheet of 16 stamps and in a souvenir-sheet of 12 different stamps only this stamp bearing the Europa logo

In 2012 Georgia became a full PostEurop member. Some weeks later they sent designs of two souvenir-sheets on the common theme "Visit..." in order to take part to the on-line Best Europa stamp contest. But those two souvenir-sheets were never issued...

Wednesday, August 29

The last 4 countries...


The 2012 Europa stamps year is reaching his end and we are already focusing on the 2013 season with the theme "The postman van".

But 4 countries still haven't issued their 2012 Europa stamps yet !


I've received a mail from the Albanian Post saying that their Europa stamps will be issued in August or September. As August is almost finished let's hope it will be issued next month. The Europa issue should be 2 stamps (30.- & 250.- ALL).

my guess : 75% chances to have an issue before the end of 2012


Each year Armenia is one of the last countries to issue their Europa stamps. In 2010, their stamp was issued in October and in 2011 in December ! On Haypost's website a souvenir-sheet with 1 stamp is scheduled for the 2nd quarter of the year [!!].

my guess : 85% chances to have an issue before the end of 2012


Georgia became a PostEurop member this year ! They even took part to the Best Europa stamp on line contest ! Two souvenir-sheets were expected as 2012 Europa stamps but still aren't issued. Georgia didn't issue any stamps in 2011 but had already 5 issues this year. Let's hope their Europa stamps will show off before the end of the year.

my guess : 20% chances to have an issue before the end of 2012


Montenegro first announced a 2012 Europa issue on the 20th of April this year, but then cancelled that issue. That issue has been rescheduled on the 10th of October

my guess : 95% chances to have an issue before the end of 2012

Thursday, October 28

Georgia 2009


Date of Issue: 15th October 2010 [!]

two stamps (2.- & 3.- GEL) & souvenir-sheet of two stamps (2.- & 3.- GEL)

both stamps are issued in mini sheets of 10 stamps

both stamps are issued in a booklet of 8 stamps (4 stamps of each)

Friday, September 24

Albania - Georgia 2010 ?


Well next month we will reach the last quarter of 2010.

Armenia, Great-Britain and Norway have announced their 2010 Europa stamps issue during this period.

Only from two countries we don't have any information yet !


At this moment of the year, Albania issued only two stamps yet.

Last year they issued almost all their stamps in the last two months of the year. Their 2010 Europa stamps was issued on the 11th December ! Maybe it will be the same this year ? Wait and see...


Georgia's issued last month their 2009 Europa stamps on the theme "Astronomy" but still no news concerning the 2010 issue...

Monday, December 15

Georgia 2008


Date of Issue: 5th December 2008

two stamps (0.90 & 1.- GEL)

both stamps are issued in mini sheets of 10 stamps

both stamps are issued in a booklet of 8 stamps (4 stamps of each)

Friday, December 12

Georgia - [Sakartvelo]

Georgia - [საქართველო, Sakartvelo]

Capital: Tbilisi
Languages: Georgian
Population: 4,630,841
Currency: Lari - GEL
Internet code: .ge
Status: Presidential Democratic Republic

more here:

Georgian Post

PostEurop member: no
UPU member: yes
Sepac member: no
Norden member: no

Europa stamps: since 1998 ->

Official site:

"Georgia issued their first Europa stamps in 1998. Same year as neighbour Azerbaijan and one year after neighbour Armenia."

Monday, March 17

Georgia 2007


Date of Issue: 14th March 2008

two stamps (0.90 & 1.- GEL)

both stamps are issued in mini-sheets of 10 stamps

both stamps are also issued in a booklet of 8 stamps four of each stamp

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