Capital: Reykjavík
Languages: Icelandic
Population: 319,756
Currency: Icelandic króna - ISK
Internet code: .is
Status: Parliamentary republic
more here:
Íslandspóstur hf
PostEurop member: yes
UPU member: yes
Sepac member: yes
Norden member: yes
Europa stamps: since 1960->
Official site:
"Iceland is far from the continental Europe but is part of it by his cultral links with the Scandinavian countries and their Germanic language.
And it's also confirmed by the fact that Iceland issues Europa stamps each year since 1960!.
In 1971, the Icelandic designer Helgi Haflidason made the common Europa CEPT design that year.
In 2005, they won the Europa best stamp competition with a round shaped stamp."