Capital: Belgrade
Languages: Serbian
Population: 7,365,507
Currency: Dinar - RSD
Internet code: .rs
Status: Parliamentary republic
more here:
Pošta Srbije
PostEurop member: yes
UPU member: yes
Sepac member: yes
Norden member: no
Europa stamps: since 2007->
Official site:
info: jumarka@ptt.yu
"Serbia issued their first Europa stamps in 2007, but Yugoslavia issued their first Europa stamps in 1969 already, being the first Communist country to take part."
"In 2003, Yugoslavia's name was replaced by Serbia and Montenego : "Srbije i Crne Gore" for the last two former Yugoslav republics how stayed together. The name was written in both Latin and Cyrillic alphabet."
"Since 2007 Serbia issue Europa stamps under their own name alone."